Monthly Parent Newsletter
Every month the School-Based Services team develops and distributes a monthly newsletter. The content varies from month to month covering mental health related topics like maximizing treatment outcomes, communication with the provider, and cultural competency. This month the team focused on Black History Month and discussed steps parents can take to choose the right provider for their child.

Connect Students with the
Right Care
Hamilton Center is proud to partner with more than 35 school corporations by placing dozens of providers in nearly 100 schools. By helping students address their social and emotional needs, we help school administrators create a happier, healthier learning environment.

I’m a Teen
Growing up and learning is hard, and sometimes talking it over with adults seems even harder—but it doesn’t have to be. In fact, talking about your struggles in a safe and mindful way can bring a lot of relief—and help you gain tools to get through the hard stuff. Not sure how to start that conversation? We can help.

I’m a Parent
Parents are their children’s first and most important teachers—and that’s no easy task. When your teen is facing a tough time, it can be difficult to connect or understand what they’re thinking or feeling. If you’re feeling helpless or unsure where to start, come to us. Our partner schools and school-based team are here to help.